Thursday, January 28, 2010


It seems, lately, that I have been losing wisdom. I'm not sure exactly what is causing this, but I'm a little worried. I used to be the wisest guy ever, but not so much anymore. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it.

Also, a couple days ago I got all four of my third molars extracted from my's been a slow recovery, but at least it's coming along!


  1. I would suggest the following.

    -Talk to Grandpa. Absorb his wisdom.

    -Look around your bedroom. Sometimes when we lose things, they are right under our noses. Could you perhaps have left your wisdom in your coat pocket? the car? Under your bed?

    -Do you know anyone who is having their wisdom teeth extracted? Take their extracted teeth and keep them near you. I suggest a hardcore necklace.

    Good luck, and I hope mom got lots of pictures.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is clever. And makes me chuckle.

  4. The wisest thing you can do is not let people know you are not wise. Ponder that one.

  5. My high school math teacher used to say, "The more you learn, the more you realize you have more to learn."

    If wisdom teeth were an indicator of true wisdom, we'd all be in trouble.

    - Kelley Roberts Reader Grandy

    PS Tell your family "hi."
