Thursday, January 28, 2010


It seems, lately, that I have been losing wisdom. I'm not sure exactly what is causing this, but I'm a little worried. I used to be the wisest guy ever, but not so much anymore. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it.

Also, a couple days ago I got all four of my third molars extracted from my's been a slow recovery, but at least it's coming along!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Details About My Life

Hello, my friends and family (actually I'm pretty sure nobody has ever even looked at my blog so this is really just me talking to myself) (but it's good that no one has looked at it because it's pretty lame), Is it bad that I don't like spending a long time writing things, especially when they are pointless? Because nobody is going to read this post, but I was still going to write a detailed description about my two jobs and how my life is going right now and what my goals are and what aspects of my life I am working on and what I like to eat and the different people I tend to hang around and do things with and who I admire and what I do in my spare time. I don't think I will though. Such a waste of time since no one is going to read this anyway.


(First post ever!)

Today I drove all over the place and finally finished everything for my passport application! I'm pretty excited. I filled out the application, got my pictures taken (I didn't know whether I was supposed to smile or not, so it's kind of an in between weird-lookin' face), went to the post office and got my money order, dug up my birth certificate, and then finally turned it all in! I should get it in about six weeks. Hurray!